I am an avid reader and have frequently indulged my passion for books. But after years of acquiring, I finally reached a point where too many books were coming in and not enough were going out. My groaning bookshelves couldn’t hold even one more tome. So I went on a “book diet” and weeded through my collection. Although visitors to my home still notice my love of reading, I have pared down considerably to make more room in my living space.

It’s human nature to hang on to stuff. We have attics, spare bedrooms, closets, basements, garages and storage spaces crammed with stuff. It’s a universal law – stuff expands to fill space.

Our living spaces mirror our internal landscapes, where we hang onto emotional and energetic stuff in the form of old agreements, wounds, pain stories, limiting beliefs and heavy energy. Unless we live in the present each and every moment, we may still carry around decades-old energy.

In our homes, we occasionally clean out our closets and get rid of unused or worn out clothes in order to make room for new items added to our wardrobe. On an energetic level, examining our agreements and our pain stories and working with our energy fields to shed what no longer serves us makes room for our new creations and intentions.

As you stand at the threshold of a transition in your life, what can you leave behind in order to make room for the new?