No matter our intentions to be grounded and in our bodies, sometimes life intrudes. If we suddenly find ourselves unexpectedly busy or stressed from external stimuli such as noise, heavy traffic or crowds, we may become ungrounded.

Earth energy is calm, steady and grounding – a perfect antidote when we are out of our bodies. If we call to Mother Earth, she will come to our aid and help us get grounded.

Here are several techniques for working with Mother Earth to be in our bodies:

·      Visualize grounding cords coming out of the bottoms of your feet and running down to the core of Mother Earth. With each inhale, pull grounded Mother Earth energy up the grounding cords into your body.

·      Send your light down to the core of Mother Earth, like a laser beam. Feel yourself become a strong pillar rooted in the earth.

·      Lie outside on the ground and ask Mother Earth to come hold you.

·      Ask Mother Earth to pull your feet down into the ground.

·      Do gardening, dig in the earth, put your hands in dirt.

·      Walk barefoot in the grass.

·      Spend time in nature, relaxing and just being.

·      Sit with your back against a tree.

·      Go for a walk, open up your grounding cord and dump any heavy energy or emotions to Mother Earth.

·      Ask Mother Earth (and the nature spirits) to do a clearing for you to take back any energy which belongs with her.

·      Work with stones such as hematite, pyrite, galena and jet to ground yourself.