Over the years many healing intentions have guided my spiritual journey. All of these intentions have brought noticeable shifts in my life.

“I make choices that are kind to my body” got me through some serious health issues and led to greater self care.

“I hold my seat on the throne” reminded me to be sovereign and stop giving my power away to others.

My brother is a master’s level dart player. When he’s throwing, all of his attention is on the tiny quadrant of the board he wants to hit. He doesn’t just wander up to the line and throw, he pays attention to where he wants the dart to land.

Our healing intentions tell Spirit where to focus our healing and growth. When we reach clarity and articulate what we want, the Universe can bring the experiences, the people, and the healing we need to manifest that intention.

Many of my healing intentions continue to inform my life long after I’ve actively worked with them. An intention from the beginning of my spiritual journey has become a guiding principle in my life: “I say yes to Spirit.” This agreement has allowed me to live my purpose as a shamanic healer and teacher and walk my own personal healing journey for many years.

An intention from seven years ago (“I embrace my inner goddess”) manifested more fully during the pandemic as I grew my hair out, softening my energy and enabling me to see my beauty for the first time in my life.

These intentions are like old friends, and I remember them fondly. When I arrange them chronologically, they are a road map through my healing to the present moment.

It began with “I say yes to Spirit.” Then “I lovingly care for my physical being” led to “I open my heart to love and joy,” followed by “I embody the power and beauty of my truth,” which brought me to “I allow myself to be vulnerable.”

There are many more. These have been some of the most memorable.

Working with intentions can be magical. Energetic shifts begin to occur as soon as they are set and then ripple out through our lives creating growth and transformation. Our understanding of an intention deepens as we progress through different layers of meaning guided by what we are experiencing in life.

When we first begin working with a new healing Intention, it might feel a little unsettling. The best intentions feel like a stretch goal, gently pushing the boundaries of our comfort and challenging us to expand. One of the most powerful intentions I’ve worked with was “I allow myself to be vulnerable.” It sent waves of healing throughout all areas of my life and eventually brought down the walls around my heart.

In all of the recurring classes I teach, we set individual healing intentions the first time we meet. Those intentions guide our healing and growth throughout the time we’re together in circle. By the end of the series, the participants recognize many ways in which the energy they’ve chosen to work with has manifested in their life.

This work is real, and it matters.

September 21, 2021