It’s a human tendency to look for evidence that supports our beliefs. Sometimes this happens naturally. When we hold a certain belief, we’re tuned into that frequency and readily notice information and situations that support our way of thinking.

Other times, we may be guided by our inner critic. If, for instance, we believe we are stupid, we look for our mistakes, our faulty decision-making, our inability to think or reason. When we find evidence, it further entrenches our belief. And we know that energy flows where we put our attention, so we generate even more proof of our stupidity.

But we can use this inclination to seek out evidence to our advantage. Imagine what would happen if we maintained the same vigilance toward finding proof of our positive beliefs and creations.

Any time we set an intention, we can watch for evidence of manifestation. Where we focus our attention is where we create movement and flow in our life, so by noticing and celebrating each sign of success, we add even more energy to our intention. When we acknowledge the progress we’ve made, as well as the synchronicities, people and assistance Spirit has sent our way, our creation blossoms.

What positive belief or creation can you begin supporting by looking for proof?