When I first began hiking, I explored the local parks and natural areas and found my way to some pretty cool places. Concerned I wouldn’t remember how to get back to my favorite spots again, I made a point to tune in and walk with intention.

I noticed when I took in a location and fully enjoyed the moment, I could almost always find my way back later. Over time, I refined my technique, learning to open my senses and etch the experience onto my being through the sights, sounds, smells, feels and tastes of the site.

I came to think of this as “putting down a marker,” and doing so added the energy of the place to my awareness. When I searched for it at other times, it drew me back like a magnetic beacon.

We can use this same technique whenever we’re experiencing something we want to recall later, such as joy we felt at the birth of a child or the confidence we gained from speaking our truth.

When we find ourselves in a moment so meaningful and touching we want to use it for inspiration in the future, we can put down a marker. By capturing it in our senses and by breathing it in so fully it becomes part of our being, the moment is there to recall when we want to find our way back to that place again.