Even with the best of intentions to be centered, grounded and present, life happens. If someone or something triggers us when we’re tired or ungrounded, we might react out of our wounds and not our higher self. Then later we might beat ourselves up, telling ourselves we should have done better.

We give away our power whenever we regret our actions. The time spent fretting over something we’ve done or said pulls us out of our center. It energetically anchors us in the past, even if it’s something that just happened earlier in the day.

If a situation stays with us after the fact, and we find ourselves mulling it over, we strengthen our energetic tie to it. Likewise when we berate ourselves for something we should have done or said, we keep ourselves tied to the heavy energy of the original situation. These energetic ties have weight and hold us in the past. We lose or give away our power.

How can we step out of the heavy energy and reclaim our power? Here is a simple technique to use to shift the energy:

·      Notice where you have regret for your actions as soon as possible after the fact.

·      Pause and make the decision to stop punishing yourself for your actions. Recognize that you did the best you could in the moment. 

·      Consciously step back into your center. Do what you need to do to reground and center yourself.

·      Meditate or journal on how you might have acted or responded to the situation had you been in your center. How might you have acted that’s more in alignment with your spiritual beliefs and your higher self? Also reflect on what triggered you or what caused you to move out of your center.

·      Replay the original scene in your imagination with as much detail as you can, but this time visualize staying in your power. When you get to the point where you respond or take action, move forward in the scene acting in alignment with your higher self.

·      Continue to replay the scene in its healed state whenever the situation comes to mind.

·      Take whatever other actions might be necessary to move forward, such as apologizing (if appropriate) or doing follow-up work to heal the button that got pushed.

Using this technique allows us to heal the earlier scene with a higher vibration of energy. It also helps us be prepared – if something similar happens, we will have laid an energetic pathway for being in our power and acting from our center.