Occasionally – despite our best efforts – we lose our center. Sometimes it happens when we’re around uncomfortable energy, or maybe an unhealed wound gets triggered.

In situations like this, our energy may be pushed off to one side of our body. For example, we may be huddled off to the right side of our body or all of our energy may be up in our head.

The next time your energy feels off and you sense you have lost your center, track where your energy is in your body, then ask it to move back into alignment. Literally, step back into your center.

Here’s a way to practice:

·      close your eyes

·      sense where your energy currently resides in your body

·      is it off to one side?

·      is it mostly up in your head?

·      using your intention, ask your energy to move back into the core of your body

·      see yourself stepping back into your center and feel the shift as your energy moves back into alignment