Breath is part of many ancient spiritual practices. Yoga and meditation help us access our inner wisdom and strengthen our connection to the divine, for example, leading to inner peace.

Breath helps us lessen anxiety and work through pain. It is also one of the most effective tools in our spiritual toolbox for moving and releasing energy.

Here are some suggestions for working with the breath:

·      Breathe deeply and set your intention for the day before getting out of bed in the morning. If there’s something in particular you would like help with, continue a slow, deep breath while visualizing the scene unfolding in the way you’d like it to.

·      Track your breath throughout the day. Become aware of when and where you breathe shallowly or hold your breath. Breath helps us stay centered when we are anxious or fearful, so remind yourself to breathe deeply.

·      Pause when you feel your buttons getting pushed and breathe through it in the moment to release the heavy energy.

·      Walk in nature every day and be conscious of your breath. If you are upset or in a bad mood, breathe out what is bothering you.

·      Breathe in gratitude for your beautiful body and all it does to support you.