Earlier this year, various body aches and pains made it difficult for me to enjoy walking in nature. My chiropractor recommended a series of weekly appointments with the purpose of deconstructing my posture and my gait. After each adjustment, he shares a stretching exercise and suggests one or two changes in my stride, which I practice on my morning walks. At first the shifts seem awkward and take focus to maintain. But throughout the week, my body adjusts and by the next appointment, we address a new batch of issues. My body guides us as we gradually unwind years of misalignment. 

Some days, walking feels delightful, and the sights, smells and sounds of the outdoors bring great peace. At other times, the days after a chiropractic treatment are uncomfortable as my body adjusts to the new reality. Each step is a challenge, and I remind myself (with each stride, if necessary) to trust the process. I know that if I stay engaged in the process outlined by my chiropractor, follow his suggestions, and work through challenges while listening to my inner guidance, I will heal my body and be walking with comfort and ease by the time snow flies this fall. 

If you’ve recently set an intention to change a habit, learn a new skill, or heal an unresolved issue, please recognize that you have begun a process. Once you have committed to that process, trust it. Know that any challenges or setbacks are part of it. If we remain fully engaged, the process will lead us where we want to go.