It can be frustrating when we pose a question to the Universe and don’t (seemingly) receive an answer. We might think that we’re not ready to have the insight yet. But timing is important. If we ask at the end of a long day when we’re tired or in the middle of frantically trying to complete our to-do list, we may not be in a place to hear.

Leading into our question with a grounding meditation helps us enter a receptive space where we can more easily access the quiet wisdom of our body and our soul. Being grounded helps us come fully into the moment and connect with our wise, higher self. We can intentionally use this to do self-inquiry.

Here is a grounding meditation with a pause at the end for a question:

·      Sit comfortably with both feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and feel yourself settle into your body. Continue to breathe slowly and purposefully, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

·      Bring your attention to the bottoms of your feet. Visualize grounding roots or grounding cords coming down out of the bottoms of your feet and running down through the floor, down through the concrete of the building, down into the earth.

·      Imagine your grounding roots going deeper and deeper into the earth – down through the top soil, down past the tree roots, down through the layer of rocks and crystals to the very center of the earth.

·      Allow your roots to dip into the Mother Earth energy there at the core.

·      Open up all your senses and allow yourself to fully experience the energy of Mother Earth.

·      Look around for a way to anchor your roots there at the core of Mother Earth. You might tie them to a tree or wrap them around a rock. You might even hand them to Mother Earth to hold onto.

·      With each in-breath, begin pulling that loving Mother Earth energy up your grounding cords. Feel the energy come up your grounding cords – up past the layer of rocks and crystals, up past the tree roots, up through the top soil, up through the concrete of the building, up through the floor, and up into your feet.

·      Continue to pull that loving Mother Earth energy in to your body. With each in-breath, feel it coming into your feet and rising up your body – up into your ankles, your calves, your knees, your thighs. Feel that loving Mother Earth energy come to rest in your belly.

·      Feel the love and support of Mother Earth.

·      When your belly is full, send the used energy back down your roots to the center of the earth to be recycled. With each exhale, let go of anything you’re done with.

·      Now, with each in-breath, pull in fresh Mother Earth energy. With each out-breath, let go. In and out like a pump.

·      Our breath reminds us what it means to be in the present moment. With each in-breath, everything we need in that moment is right there. With each out-breath, we have an opportunity to let go of anything that no longer serves us.

·      Continue to breathe slowly and purposefully and sit in this grounded energy.

·      From this relaxed place, pose your question to your wise higher self. Wait for answers to come intuitively as an image, a word or phrase whispered in your ear, a feeling in the body, a memory, or a flash of insight. Make note of anything that comes.

·      Give gratitude to Mother Earth and slowly open your eyes.