I frequently receive inquiries about the “Energy Essentials for Empaths” class saying, “Help!I’m drawn to your empaths class, but I’m not sure why. I don’t think I’m an empath.”

Over the years working with people who are sensitive to energy, I’ve noticed a pattern that occurs early on for some empaths. In cases of more extreme childhood trauma and dysfunctional family dynamics, the empathic child sometimes creates hard, impenetrable boundaries out of self-preservation. These rigid walls provide a buffer from the energy that would otherwise be overwhelming to their systems.

Children in these circumstances are highly empathic, they’ve just learned to keep it hidden. If the walls were constructed at a very young age, they might not even realize it.

These safety mechanisms served their purpose because they allowed them to survive in their family of origin and reach adulthood. But later in life, a series of unintended consequences can result.

Hard walls tend to keep all energy out – even the good energy.

Having rigid boundaries in the long-term can create a sense of isolation and separation, disconnection from the body, and blockages to connecting with the True Self. They also interfere with receiving love, support, blessings, and intuition.

There are healthier ways to manage being empathic without building hard structures in the energy field. In the “Energy Essentials for Empaths” class, we learn tools to be grounded and centered, use light for protection, work with spiritual allies, and practice healthy boundaries with others.

It’s never too late to begin developing more healthy tools for navigating sensitivity to energy. Over time, the solid walls can be released resulting in greater connection with the world, self, and others.

Even if it turns out you’re really not an empath, the grounding techniques and tools for boundaries will still be helpful. As a friend who’s taken the class multiple times says, “These are really good skills for life.”

If you feel pulled to the class, please trust your intuition. You’re being drawn to attend for a reason. You are welcome to join us! You’ll be in good company amongst others who understand.

This work is real, and it matters.

March 18, 2022