We each carry a unique energetic signature that describes who we are. Other people, animals, and spirit beings read these signatures and recognize specific traits, frequencies, emotions, and life experiences.

Our energetic signature reveals much more about us than we might originally realize. For instance, the stresses and effects of long-term conditions become folded into our aura. Astute observers notice that we walk like we have chronic back pain, that we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, or that we have sad eyes.

Many of our psychic and healing gifts are carried in our energetic signature. If we have the ability to communicate with the dead, discarnate spirits looking for help crossing over will find their way to us, aided in knowing where to turn for assistance by the vibration of our luminous field.

Energetic signatures often point to aspects of our sacred contracts in this lifetime – such as archetypes we came here to express (e.g.. mother, artist, teacher, warrior) and the core issues we agreed to experience.

In certain cases where we continue to attract a certain kind of dysfunctional person or situation into our lives, we may have that propensity coded into our signature. Someone who carries the energy of victim in their field will attract people who take advantage of them, similar to a cartoon character with a “kick me” sign on their back. This imprint could have even transferred into our current incarnation from a past life.

Any kind of practice that leads to learning more about ourselves will assist us in seeing the various parts of our signature. Meditation, self-reflection, journaling and shadow work will help uncover aspects of our signature previously hidden. When we’re aware of the energies we project to the world, we can begin to shift those that cause us pain or discomfort. As we heal and transform over time, we rewrite our energetic signatures.

What does your energetic signature reveal about you?