We share much more than just living space with the animal companions residing in our homes. Pets instinctively read energy, so they frequently tune into our moods and emotions.

My cat Mollie tends to be skittish and high-strung. She often becomes affected by my energy. When I notice she seems particularly nervous, it cues me to look inward and relieve my own level of nervousness. (See A story of mirroring.) This summer, it wasn’t a coincidence that we both worked to heal urinary tract issues at the same time.

My increased travels home to visit family this fall have caused anxiety for Mollie and Kitty. They don’t like being left alone for extended periods of time (even with two very capable, reliable and loving petsitters), and they pick up on my anxiety over my mother’s health issues. So I’ve made adjustments.

Through observing the cats, I’ve learned to stay grounded when packing to leave. Several times, I’ve left too much to the last minute and created a flurry of activity on my way out the door. They’ve shown me – by running away and hiding – that my energy of rushing isn’t comfortable for them.

Seeing my actions have such a direct impact on the four-legged creatures in my care has caused me to alter my schedule. I now work ahead, starting to pack three or four days before my departure if necessary, in order to take my leave in a way that will cause the least amount of stress for them. And the slower, less dramatic exits have certainly done much to boost my own well-being.

Have you noticed how your energy affects the other beings living with you? Not just pets, but children, spouses and roommates?