Waiting to meet myself

Something nudges at my consciousness.I feel it peeking around the edges, meeting my gaze for half a moment, then hastily retreating, hiding there just under the surface, around the corner.I’ll see it, but not if I run after it. Best if I sit silent and...

Attending our own lectures

Last week I got uptight about my schedule for the next month or so. All the unknowns in my life were colliding, and I became tense. Then I had a breakthrough realization: I can’t predict my schedule this fall with any certainty until a key piece of information...

Finding the meditation in everyday chores

Simple household chores can bring great joy when we approach them like a meditation.Try it for yourself the next time you’re doing a repetitive task like folding laundry, vacuuming or dusting. Choose something you can do without much thought, then begin. Focus...