A story of mirroring

The people nearby often mirror to us. Our children, spouses, siblings, parents, friends and even pets show us something about ourselves through the mirror of other. When we pay attention, we can see aspects of ourselves reflected in their personalities and behaviors....

The perfection of the present moment

At any given moment, exactly where we are is where we’re meant to be.Our higher self guided us to the present moment because it yearned for the experience. The present moment may be an opportunity for us to learn something about love, or it may hold an...

Following the energy of what appears

If you scan across the different areas of your life – career, family, health, spirituality, finances, relationships – can you sense where the energy is and isn’t flowing? Look for places where energy flows in a vibrant, active way, and look for...

Being comfortable with gray areas

Part of life here on Planet Earth is learning to deal with ambiguities. As we come into our maturity as spiritual beings, we learn to be comfortable with duality. We realize that life is a complex mix of feeling this and that. Of being both happy and sad. Of making...