Interpreting shamanic journeys

Interpreting shamanic journeys

The shamanic journey is a powerful way to access divine wisdom. In a trancelike state similar to a dream or a meditation, the journeyer might receive messages from their power animals and spirit guides. Depending on their natural channels of intuition, they might see images, hear a message, feel a response in their body, or experience a sudden insight dropping in. New (and even experienced) journeyers sometimes ask how to interpret the messages they receive. The information received in journeys can be literal or metaphorical (and sometimes...

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How to foster resiliency – The Magical Adventures of Flat Paige

How to foster resiliency – The Magical Adventures of Flat Paige

My niece’s second grade class did a project based on the children’s book Flat Stanley, a story about a little boy who wanted to travel. His parents were unable to take him, so he flattened himself down and mailed himself to where he wanted to go. Paige chose me to mail the flattened version of herself to. I was to take the Flat Paige on adventures and document her experiences with pictures, video, or a story. These would be shared with the class. I had a really fun time working on this. It entailed a trip to Crow Moon Healing because I knew...

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When family stuff gets triggered over the holidays

When family stuff gets triggered over the holidays

Let’s be honest. The holidays can be difficult. Old family issues can get triggered with a vengeance. Being around family of origin can be very dysregulating. It doesn’t take much to be triggered – a stray comment, a random look, or a slight tone. In that instant a backward slide to childhood can begin, often resulting in feeling powerless or voiceless. In just a heartbeat, you might revert to your younger, impressionable self with the emotions, responses, beliefs, and protective mechanisms of that age. It can be deeply uncomfortable. AND…...

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Empaths and sensitivity

Empaths and sensitivity

There are numerous names for it. The label currently used most frequently is “empath.” It’s also called being a “sensitive.” The term “highly sensitive person” originated with Dr. Elaine Aron, one of the first authors to write on the topic. If you’re reading this and you identify with being an empath, you’ve probably been referred to as “the sensitive one” in your family. Those around you might have said, “You’re just too sensitive. You need to get over it.” If it was just as easy as “getting over it,” we wouldn’t be in discomfort. Indeed,...

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Now is the time

Now is the time

A couple of years ago a client notably exclaimed, “The heavy energy in my family has been kicked down the road for too long. It’s time to say enough!” The power and determination it was said with remain etched in my mind and on my heart. He clarified what I have always felt, and what has been my draw to ancestral healing. We can look around the world and see the result of unhealed family lineages. Many of these patterns have been carried for generations. We ourselves may be affected by heavy ancestral energy in our lineage. The realization...

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Portals in the energy field

Portals in the energy field

Many science fiction and fantasy movies feature the use of portals. This fairly common plot device may be used to transport a character to a place of safety. Sometimes a portal opens accidentally and they travel through time or land in a different dimension. Portals also exist in energy work. Portals are entry points through which energy can enter and exit, similar to doorways or openings. Portals are not necessarily bad or good. It depends on where they’re located and how they function. Portals can be found in physical spaces such as homes,...

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