Looking for evidence

It’s a human tendency to look for evidence that supports our beliefs. Sometimes this happens naturally. When we hold a certain belief, we’re tuned into that frequency and readily notice information and situations that support our way of thinking.Other...

Creating with our words

We create with our thoughts and with our words. When we give voice to positive thoughts, we create positive situations and energy for ourselves. When we’re not as impeccable with our words, we create something less than what we really desire.Speaking negative...

Doing the one next thing

Years ago, my living space was filled with too many belongings. My closets, cupboards, bookshelves and storage spaces were crammed with stuff, to the point I felt claustrophobic in my apartment. I wanted to clear it out but couldn’t raise the energy necessary...

Using the imagination to help manifest

Our imagination holds the power to help draw what we’re looking for into our lives. When we set it free and allow it to soar, it transmits our energy as a request to the Universe for assistance.To use your imagination as a tool for manifestation, begin by...

Manifesting quickly, easily and effortlessly

Think back to a time when you manifested an intention quickly, easily and seemingly without effort. Do you remember the sense of joy you felt, the sense of awe in the power of the Universe to co-create?Now recall the details of the situation. What did your energy feel...