by debra | Mar 8, 2011 | Intuitive Development
The most basic form of divination with a card deck is thinking of a question, then picking one card to represent an answer. This works with any type of divination deck, including tarot cards, angel cards, and animals cards. Three-card readings help us go deeper into...
by debra | Feb 9, 2011 | Connecting with Spirit Guides, Intuitive Development
As we explore our spiritual path and open to our intuition, we naturally meet spirit beings. Some of these spirit beings become our guides over time as we develop relationships and learn to trust the information they bring. But not every being we meet in spirit form...
by debra | Feb 5, 2011 | Intuitive Development, Mother Earth & Nature, Personal Healing, Tools for Empaths
It can be frustrating when we pose a question to the Universe and don’t (seemingly) receive an answer. We might think that we’re not ready to have the insight yet. But timing is important. If we ask at the end of a long day when we’re tired or in the...
by debra | Oct 15, 2010 | Intuitive Development, The Power of Intention
Signs and messages sometimes come in response to a query we’ve posed to the Universe. These queries may have been formally or informally made.A formal query is a request placed to Spirit for some kind of assistance. Formal queries may take the form of praying...
by debra | Oct 11, 2010 | Intuitive Development
When we are unsure of the meaning behind a piece of intuitive information, we can return to the source of the message for assistance with interpreting it.My mother was recently hospitalized due to medical complications from chemotherapy. The call from my father came...
by debra | Oct 4, 2010 | Intuitive Development, Shamanic Healing
The repetitive sound produced by a rattle can help us enter a trancelike state and open to hearing our inner wisdom.Begin by experimenting with different styles of rattles. Some have a higher, shriller sound. Some have a lower, deeper sound. Some are quieter, some are...